Demography in archaeology
Demography in archaeology
Cambridge manuals in archaeology
Cambridge manuals in archaeology.
Chamberlain, Andrew, 1954-
Personal Author:
Publication Information:
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Physical Description:
xix, 235 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Cambridge manuals in archaeology
Cambridge manuals in archaeology.
The principle concerns of demography -- Demography in archaeology -- Sources of evidence -- Demographic concepts, theory and methods -- Population structure -- Population growth and demographic transition -- Mortality, survivorship and life tables -- Fertility and population projection -- Population standardisation and comparison -- Historical and ethnographic demography -- Documentary sources of demographic data -- Families and households -- Longevity, menarche and menopause -- Historical evidence of migration and colonisation -- Hunter-gatherer demography -- Demography of agricultural populations -- Conditions of high mortality -- Archaeological demography -- Past population structure -- Estimation of sex -- Estimation of age at death -- Bayesian and maximum likelihood approaches to age estimation -- Prospects for the future -- Estimation of population numbers from archaeological data -- Monitoring population size from radiocarbon dating distributions -- Evolutionary and genetic palaeodemography -- Age and sex structure in animal populations -- Demography of fossil hominids -- Human genetic palaeodemography -- Demography and disease -- Disease in archaeological populations -- Social and demographic impacts of disease -- The relevance of demography for archaeology -- How meaningful are the results of palaeodemographic analysis? -- How different were populations in the past? -- Demographic processes and cultural change -- Challenges for the future.
This volume is a review of current theory and method in the reconstruction of populations from archaeological data. It covers a wide span of evidence, from the evolutionary background of human demography to the influence of natural and human-induced catastrophes on population growth and survival.
Subject Term:
Bibliographical References:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Field 805:
npmlib 10605510 CC79 D46 C47 ysh