Fabric of vision : dress and drapery in painting 的封面图片
Fabric of vision : dress and drapery in painting
Fabric of vision : dress and drapery in painting
Hollander, Anne, author.
London ; New York, NY : Bloomsbury Visual Arts, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2016.
208 pages : mostly color illustrations ; 28 cm.
"First published in 2002 by The National Gallery Company."
Clothing appears in all forms of figurative painting, often taking up two thirds of a frame; yet it can often go unnoticed. Far more than a simple means of identifying the status or occupation of a figure, clothes and cloth are used creatively by artists to hint at ambiguities in character, adjust the emotional temperature, direct the eye or make subtle allusions. Drawing on works by artists over a period of six centuries, from Giotto to El Greco, Matisse to Cindy Sherman, the author reveals through paintings, fashion plates, photographs and film stills how drapery in art evolved from Renaissance extravagance to Neoclassical simplicity at the end of the 18th century, and has extended to infinite uses in all genres of modern art. Written by pioneering art historian and critic Anne Hollander, this beautifully illustrated book is a must-read for students and anyone with an interest in art and fashion.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
npmlib 10701938 10703415 (c. 2) ND1460 D73 H56 ysh
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