Le Talisman de Paul Sérusier : une prophétie de la couleur 的封面图片
Le Talisman de Paul Sérusier : une prophétie de la couleur
Le Talisman de Paul Sérusier : une prophétie de la couleur

Talisman de Sérusier
Bernardi, Claire, editor.
Paris : Réunion des musées nationaux, [2018]
205 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm
This work was published for the exhibition "Le talisman de Paul Sérusier, un prophète de la couleur" Exhibition in Pont-Aven from June 30, 2018 to January 6, 2019 then in Paris at the Musée d'Orsay from January 29, 2019 to April 28, 2019. This exhibition was organized by le musée de Pont-Aven managed by Concarneau Cournouaille Agglomération--Page 10.
De l'école de Pont-Aven à l'éclosion du mouvement nabi: Le Talisman. une "icône" de l'art modern / Maurice Denis, témoin et passeur du Talisman de Sérusier / Des "symbolistes" aux "Nabis". Le rôle fondateur du Talisman / La peinture prise aux mots: Le Talisman, un artefact historiographique? / Regards sur Le Talisman / Bois d'Amour, bois sacré. Notes sur le motif des forêts chez les Nabis
Paul Sérusier's "The Talisman", painted in 1888 in Pont-Aven under the direction of Gauguin, returns from Saturday in the small Breton city to take place in the heart of an exhibition retracing the fabulous history of the small painting. In the summer of 1888, Paul Sérusier (1864-1927), then 23 years old, stayed at the pension Gloanec Pont-Aven, a small town in Finistère popular painters and especially the master of Impressionism Paul Gauguin. The painting of the young man is then academic, as shows "An interior in Pont-Aven", a table of meticulous realism opening the exhibition presented until the end of December at the Museum of Pont-Aven, and realized only a few weeks before "The Talisman". At the beginning of October, on the eve of his return to Paris, he succeeded finally thanks to the intervention of Émile Bernard to meet Gauguin. The latter, intrigued by the personality of the young artist, takes him to the Bois d'Amour, a place of inspiration for painters staying in the small town, conducive to walking and daydreaming... "The Talisman is a simple wooden board, but it has had a huge influence on the artists and especially on the Nabis (postimpressionists)", explains to AFP Claire Bernardi, curator at the Musée d'Orsay, owner of the painting and partner of the exhibition entitled "The Talisman of Paul Serusier, a prophecy of color".--Le Point.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 191-201) and index.
npmlib 11003415 ND553.S48 A4 yh
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