Codices illustres : the world's most famous illuminated manuscripts 400 to 1600 的封面图片
Codices illustres : the world's most famous illuminated manuscripts 400 to 1600
Codices illustres : the world's most famous illuminated manuscripts 400 to 1600

World's most famous illuminated manuscripts 400 to 1600
Walther, Ingo F., author.
504 pages : color illustrations, color plates ; 25 cm
Originally published in 2001; reissued in 2005 in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Taschen Verlag.
Vergilius Vaticanus -- Vergilius Romanus -- The Vienna Dioscorides -- The Vienna Genesis -- Codex Purpureus Rossanensis -- Rabbula Gospels -- Ashburnham Pentateuch -- Book of Durrow -- Book of Lindisfarne (The Lindisfarne Gospels) -- Codex Aureus of Canterbury -- Godescalc Gospels -- The Vienna Coronation Gospels -- Book of Kells -- The Lorsch Gospels -- Utrecht Psalter -- Aratea -- Gospels of Saint-Medard in Soisson -- Vivian Bible -- Codex Aureus (St. Emmeram) -- Bible of San Paolo -- The Joshua Roll -- Beatus de Liebana: Commentary on the Revelation of St. John -- Beato de San Miguel de Escalada -- Beato de San Salvador de Tabara -- Beato de San Millan de la Cogolla -- Paris Psalter -- Gospels of Otto III -- Bamberg Apocalypse -- Gospel Lectionary of Henry II -- Salzburg Pericopes -- Codex Aureus of Echternach -- The Golden Gospels of Henry III -- Winchester Bible -- Gospels of Henry the Lion -- Ingeborg Psalter -- Kitab al-Diryaq (Book of Antidotes) -- al-Mubashshir: Mukhtar al-hikam wa-Mahasin al-kalim (True Sayings and Speeches) -- Berthold Sacramentary -- Bestiary -- Kitab al-Baytarah (The Book of the Art of Healing Horses) -- Bible moralisee -- Dioscorides: On Medicines -- The Psalter of Blanche of Castile -- The Maqamat of al-Hariri (Assemblies) -- Trinity College Apocalypse -- The Morgan Crusader's Bible -- Emperor Frederick II: The Art of Falconry -- Hadith Bayad wa-Riyad (Story of Bayad and Riyad) -- Codex Borgia -- Psalter of Saint Louis -- Lambeth Apocalypse -- al-Jazari: Kitab fi Ma'rifat al-Hiyal al-Handasiya (The Book of Machines) -- The Douce Apocalypse -- Canticles of King Alfonso the Wise -- Simon Psalter -- Rudolf von Ems: World Chronicle / The "Stricker": Charlemagne -- Codex Manesse -- De Lisle Psalter -- Life and Miracles of Saint Denis -- The Golden Haggadah -- Belleville Breviary -- Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux -- Firdawsi: Shahnama (Book of Kings) -- al-Hariri: Maqamat (The Assemblies of al-Hariri) -- Hours of Jeanne de Navarre -- Psalter of Bonne of Luxembourg -- Guillaume de Machaut: Poetical Works -- Bible of Jean de Vaudetar -- Les Petites Heures du Duc Jean de Berry -- Lucanus: De bello civile (Pharsalia) -- Grandes Chroniques de France de Charles V -- Les Tres Belles Heures de Notre-Dame du Duc Jean de Berry -- Turin-Milan Hours -- The Wenceslas Bible -- Book of Hours of Gian Galeazzo Visconti -- Biblia Pauperum -- Tacuinum Sanitatis in Medicina -- Siyah Qalam (The Black Pen) -- Beaufort Hours -- Bible moralisee -- Christine de Pisan -- The Book of the City of Ladies -- Epistles of Othea -- Epistles of Othea -- Gaston Phoebus: Book of the Hunt -- King Modus' Book on Hunting -- Hours of Marshal Boucicaut -- Pierre Salmon: Reponses a Charles VI et Lamentation au Roi sur son etat -- The Book of Wonders -- Tristan and Isolde -- Les Tres riches Heures du Duc de Berry -- Bedford Hours and Psalters -- Boccaccio -- Decameron -- Boccaccio: Of Famous Women -- Boccaccio: Of Famous Women -- Boccaccio: On the Fates of Famous Men and Women -- Boccaccio: La Theseide -- Kalila wa Dimna (Kalila and Dimna) -- Darmstadt Passover Haggadah -- Bedford Hours -- Ottheinrich Bible -- The Rohan Hours -- The Book of Hours of Catherine of Cleves -- Giovanni Colonna: Mare historiarum -- Missal of Jean Rolin -- De Sphaera -- Prayer Book of Stephan Lochner -- The Hours of Etienne Chevalier -- Chronicle of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem -- Book of the Seven Ages of the World -- Jean Mansel: The Flower of History -- Heinrich Suso: Little Book of Eternal Wisdom -- Bible of Borso d'Este -- Nizami: Khamsa (Quintet) -- Petrarch -- Triumphs, Songs -- Songs, Triumphs -- Triumphs -- Triumphs -- Grandes Chroniques de France -- Hours of Isabella of Castile -- Boethius: The Consolation of Philosophy -- Rene of Anjou: The Book of Tournaments -- King Rene's Book of Love -- Flavius Josephus: The Jewish Antiquities -- Missal of Jean des Martins -- The Black Prayer Book -- Valerius Maximus: Scenes from Roman History -- The Hours of Mary of Burgundy -- The Hours of Mary of Burgundy and Emperor Maximilian -- Sebastien Mamerot: The Campaigns of the French against the Turks -- The Black Hours -- Bible of Federico da Montefeltro -- Dante -- Divine Comedy -- Divine Comedy -- Divine Comedy -- The Salzburg Missal -- Life and Miracles of Saint Louis -- Aristotle: Opera/Porphyry: Liber quinque praedicabilium -- Hours of Lorenzo de' Medici -- Breviary of Matthias Corvinus -- Bible of Matthias Corvinus -- Sforza Hours -- Guillaume de Lorris & Jean de Meung: Romance of the Rose -- Breviary of Isabella of Castile -- Aelius Donatus: Latin Grammar Book of Maximilian Sforza -- Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics -- Anne of Brittany: Books of Hours -- Large Hours of Anne of Brittany -- Very Small Hours of Anne of Brittany -- Small Hours of Anne of Brittany -- Grimani Breviary -- The Rothschild Prayer Book -- Flemish Calendar -- Firdawsi: Shahnama (Book of Kings) -- Hafiz: Divan (Collected Poems) -- Beatty Rosary -- Genealogy of the Infante Dom Fernando of Portugal -- The Farnese Hours -- Menazilnama (Book of Campaign Stations) -- Nizami: Khamsa (Quintet) -- Jami: Haft Awrang (The Seven Thrones) -- Hamzanama (The Adventures of Hamza) -- Jami: Haft Awrang (The Seven Thrones) -- Murad III: Surname (Circumcision Festival held for Murad III's Son) -- Darabnama (The Exploits of Darab) -- Akbarnama (The History of Akbar) -- Shahanshahname (Book of the King of Kings) -- Further famous manuscripts -- Biographies of the artists.
From 'The Book of Kells' to Boccaccio's 'Decameron', from the 'Vienna Genesis' to Dante's 'Divine Comedy': to open 'Codices illustres' is to open the door into a precious, private world. Now in a revised format, this radiant book brings you face-to-face with 167 of the most exquisite and important manuscripts of the medieval age.0Presented in brilliant large-format reproductions, these paradigms of miniature painting and illumination from the 4th century to 1600 were once the property of some of the greatest power players in history. Now art-historical treasures, they are worth many millions and typically tucked away in private collections or closely guarded archives-until now. Although the focus of this collection is on European manuscripts, examples from Mexican, Persian, and Indian tradition illustrate the refinement and intricacy of manuscript illumination in non-European cultures. An informative synopsis for each manuscript orients the reader at a glance, while a 36-page appendix contains biographies of the artists, as well as an extensive bibliography, an index, and a glossary for technical terms.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
npmlib 10802256 ND2920 W37 ysh
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